Factors Associated With Giving Formula Milk To Babies 0-6 Months In Kota Baru Tanjungkarang Timur
Giving formula milk to infants 0-6 months can cause diarrhea, Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) and malnutrition. This high incidence is due to formula feeding. It is essential to explore the factors that cause parent giving formula milk. To explore the factors associated with giving formula milk to babies 0-6 months. This type of research is quantitative with analytical methods and uses a cross sectional approach. The population of this study were all mothers at Kasih Ibu Soesrini who had babies 0-6 months with a total 222 people with 143people who meet the inclusion criteria. The sample was taken using a systematic random sampling technique, the method of collecting data was by questionnaire through a questionnaire. The independent variables of this study are education, work and knowledge while the dependent variable is formula feeding in infants 0-6 months. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis using the Chi Square test.The results of the statistical test analysis showed that 78.3% of mothers who had babies 0-6 months had given formula milk, the highest proportion of mothers' education was in the basic education category (74.8%), the highest proportion of mothers in the working category (68.5%), the highest proportion of mothers' knowledge was in the category of poor knowledge (71.3%). The results of bivariate analysis of the relationship between education and formula feeding in infants 0-6 months obtained a P Value = 0.028 so that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, the employment relationship with formula feeding in infants 0-6 months obtained P Value = 0.038 so that Ho was rejected Ha accepted, and the relationship between knowledge and formula feeding in infants 0-6 months was obtained P Value = 0.012 so that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. The conclusion of the study is that there is a relationship between education, work and knowledge with formula feeding in infants 0-6 months in Kasih Ibu Soesrini.