The Effect Of Finger Hold Relaxation Technique For Reduce Pain In Post Appendectomy Patients

  • Rahmawati Dian Nurani Akademi Keperawatan Bunda Delima
  • Ida Yatun Khomsah Akademi Keperawatan Bunda Delima
  • Ferry Ferry Akademi Keperawatan Bunda Delima


Appendectomy is a surgical procedure for appendicitis, the effect of appendectomy is pain. Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional feeling. Non-pharmacological pain management with finger hold relaxation techniques will trigger endorphins produced by the body to relieve pain. This study aims to determine the effect of finger hold relaxation techniques to reduce pain in post appendectomy patient based on a literature review. The design used in this research is a literature review study, with the criteria for post appendectomy literature, pain, finger hold relaxation techniques published in 2017-2020. There is an effect of the finger hold relaxation technique to reduce pain intensity in post-appendectomy patients with a significant change in pain intensity with an average of the 5 reviewed journals showing a p-value of 0.000 <0.05. Finger hold relaxation techniques can influence reduction of pain intensity in post-appendectomy patients

How to Cite
NURANI, Rahmawati Dian; KHOMSAH, Ida Yatun; FERRY, Ferry. The Effect Of Finger Hold Relaxation Technique For Reduce Pain In Post Appendectomy Patients. International Health Conference STIKes Panca Bhakti (IHCPB), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 112 - 117, july 2023. ISSN 3025-6836. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 oct. 2024.