Grief In Individuals With Family Members Dying From Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in 6 million deaths of the world's population. Deep sorrow for the families of covid 19 patients left behind. The rapid spread of the covid 19 virus has worried countries in the world so that they impose restrictions on interactions between residents, this has an impact on limiting interactions for close families of covid 19 patients until death occurs in covid 19 patients without the presence of close family. The purpose of this study is to look at the conditions of grief in individuals with family members dying from covid 19. The methods this scientific paper was conducted in a qualitative systematic review to explain the condition of family grief over the death of a family member due to Covid-19. Article searches were conducted through Google Scholar, Elsevier, Wiley, Sage, ProQuest and Taylor and Francis. The publication time range between 2019-2022 obtained 239 articles and then reduced/selected 7 articles that fit the inclusion criteria. The results of the study show that in the era of the co-19 pandemic throughout 2020-2021 it resulted in many casualties or deaths of the world population, this is of course directly proportional to the increasing number of grief in the families left behind. The grief that occurs in the family of a covid 19 patient who dies becomes a complicated process that must be faced by the family, namely: 1) the closest family cannot accompany the patient in the last moments of the patient's life or the absence of a final farewell; 2) family members who die cannot be buried in a normal way, but with special protocols that must be carried out; 3) the family's unpreparedness for a "sudden" separation is also a factor in this grieving process being a difficult condition to accept. The conclusion three things were obtained about the conditions of grief that occurred in families with family members who died due to covid 19 and it became a condition of grief that was very rare and became a difficult process compared to the grieving process in general.